Zvysenie vykonu motora - BAC coil
Napsal: 17 kvě 2019, 15:36
Ak si niekto chce zvysit o nieco vykon motora, pripadne znizit spotrebu, mam tu lacnu moznost - BAC coil (pozrite na internete). Jedna sa o cievky navinute na palivovych hadickach do motora. Skusal som to na benzinovom motore, aj na dizlovom, na oboch to funguje. Motor je tichsi a zbiera sa uz skoro od volnobehu. Je to ako taky maly ciptuning, ale skoro zadarmo.
Pouzite droty su drot plocha 1mm2, ja som pouzil tvrdy drot, ale pouzivaju sa aj lankove dvojlinky 1mm2 pre reproduktory. Navijaju sa 2 bifilarne cievky (bililarna=2 droty vedla seba), ktore sa potom prepoja medzi sebou, vid obrazok. Spojit sa daju omotanim drotov a zaizolovanim izolacnou paskou, alebo mozte pouzit aj svorkovnicu, pripadne zaletovat.
Na benzin sa pouzivaju 2 bifilarne cievky po 13 zavitov (=1 cievka ma 26 zavitov vedla seba), na dizel sa pouzivaju 1 bifilarna 13-zavitova a druha 7-zavitova, na LPG sa pouzivaju 13 a 28 zavitova. Foto je z dizla. Da sa to pouzit aj na upravu vody.
Vyber z originalu:
The Italian B.A.C. Coil.
The claims made for this coil are quite remarkable and as the coil is so very simple that they are easily
checked. The number of turns in the coil is a critical factor, depending on the application. The coil is wound
using two wires of 1 mm. diameter copper wire and connected together as shown in the illustration. The coil
is said to improve the quality of a wide range of things:
1. Water quality can be improved very substantially as follows:
a. Water with mild limestone hardness can be improved with one 15-turn coil on the water pipe.
b. Water with severe limestone hardness can be improved with one 13-turn coil.
c. For industrial use in a severe hardness area: two separate 13-turn coils on the water pipe.
Water treated with any of these procedures makes much healthier drinking water
2. Fuel treatment results in improved mpg results:
a. Petrol: two separate 13-turn coils on the fuel pipe.
b. Diesel: one 13-turn coil plus one 7-turn coil on the fuel pipe.
c. LPG: one 13-turn coil plus one 28-turn coil on the fuel pipe.
Up to 25% fuel reduction can be expected.
3. Natural gas:
a. one 13-turn coil on the gas pipe OR one 28-turn coil if the 13-turn coil is not effective.
Up to 25% gas reduction can be expected.
4. On High-voltage cables such as spark-plug leads:
a. One 13-turn coil on the high-voltage lead.
A further 15% mpg improvement may result from improved fuel burn.
Pouzite droty su drot plocha 1mm2, ja som pouzil tvrdy drot, ale pouzivaju sa aj lankove dvojlinky 1mm2 pre reproduktory. Navijaju sa 2 bifilarne cievky (bililarna=2 droty vedla seba), ktore sa potom prepoja medzi sebou, vid obrazok. Spojit sa daju omotanim drotov a zaizolovanim izolacnou paskou, alebo mozte pouzit aj svorkovnicu, pripadne zaletovat.
Na benzin sa pouzivaju 2 bifilarne cievky po 13 zavitov (=1 cievka ma 26 zavitov vedla seba), na dizel sa pouzivaju 1 bifilarna 13-zavitova a druha 7-zavitova, na LPG sa pouzivaju 13 a 28 zavitova. Foto je z dizla. Da sa to pouzit aj na upravu vody.
Vyber z originalu:
The Italian B.A.C. Coil.
The claims made for this coil are quite remarkable and as the coil is so very simple that they are easily
checked. The number of turns in the coil is a critical factor, depending on the application. The coil is wound
using two wires of 1 mm. diameter copper wire and connected together as shown in the illustration. The coil
is said to improve the quality of a wide range of things:
1. Water quality can be improved very substantially as follows:
a. Water with mild limestone hardness can be improved with one 15-turn coil on the water pipe.
b. Water with severe limestone hardness can be improved with one 13-turn coil.
c. For industrial use in a severe hardness area: two separate 13-turn coils on the water pipe.
Water treated with any of these procedures makes much healthier drinking water
2. Fuel treatment results in improved mpg results:
a. Petrol: two separate 13-turn coils on the fuel pipe.
b. Diesel: one 13-turn coil plus one 7-turn coil on the fuel pipe.
c. LPG: one 13-turn coil plus one 28-turn coil on the fuel pipe.
Up to 25% fuel reduction can be expected.
3. Natural gas:
a. one 13-turn coil on the gas pipe OR one 28-turn coil if the 13-turn coil is not effective.
Up to 25% gas reduction can be expected.
4. On High-voltage cables such as spark-plug leads:
a. One 13-turn coil on the high-voltage lead.
A further 15% mpg improvement may result from improved fuel burn.